
Monday, July 21, 2014

Say My Name!

You guys!!!! I am still kind of freaking out about the news we got on Thursday!  The kids manage to keep me busy, but I have fleeting thoughts throughout the day that remind me it's happening.  We do not have any dates about when Chris will be classed or when we will PCS, but we will have that information soon enough.

AIT graduation almost 5 years ago. 

He took me flying after he got his private pilot licence 6.5 years ago.
Chris is still going to ALC in Virginia August 3rd-September 30th.  My due date is September 26th which is always a great twist.  I'm blessed with some great friends here so I'm sure I can get to the hospital.  As much as I don't want another October baby, I guess it won't be the end of the world if he waits to show up until Chris is home from ALC.

I'm sure you saw the 30 week pic on FB or IG, but whatev!
Speaking of this baby, I guess it is as good a time as any to announce the name we have chosen.  Waiting until the baby actually arrives to announce some think would be best, but I really like calling the babes by their name evening through social media on the trusty and not so trusty interwebs.  So why wait?

So as you know we had that little online poll.  I just checked 52% for Becket and 48% for Sebastian.  Neck and neck for sure.  The poll wasn't going to sway our decision, but as close as this one was we definitely weren't pushed to reconsider.

Anyway, unless we have a huge change of heart when we see this little guy in real life he will forever be known as.....

Becket Roger Lockhart.

And if he is anything like his siblings he will arrive September 29th or 30th, weighing over 10 pounds, and labor will be fairly quick.  But who knows, maybe he will be early, under 10 pounds, and I will labor for days.  Time will tell.


  1. Wonderful news all around. Seriously you are like the cutest pregnant lady every
