
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 9 of Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena.

Okay, I am going to keep this short and sweet because I am just in an erratic head space.  Tonight we will complete our first family novena.  Chris and I have done novenas together in the past, but this was the first time that the kids were apart of it.  They are remembering the basics though.  We are praying for nine days to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Chris's selection into flight school. Owen has been awesome at remembering what day we are on.  Day 5 I totally thought it was day 4, but he was right.  Amelia is picking up the prayers rather quickly.  I think Owen is too, but he's less confident.  We even found this at a thrift store on day 2 for $.99

Before we hung it on the wall Amelia would hold it above her head for everyone to see it while we prayed.  Presh!

Well, today on Day 9 we will be praying in thanks giving.  Results came out a day early and Chris was selected for flight school!!!

Q-S means Qualified - Selected!

I am so proud of my husband.  He has worked very hard for everything leading up to this point.  We are thankful for all the support and mentoring he has received in the past 5 and a half years in the Army.  We are beyond thankful for all the prayers that everyone has offered up for us.  Flying has been something he has been working towards when we first started dating 12 and a half years ago.

This man y'all!!!