
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Building Community

A Catholic women's scope group was created last week and my extroverted self can not slow down my brain.  Out of pure excitement there were two back to back scope hops #catholicscopes. And I couldn't help but jump on, but being a extrovert I left being really charged and having a hard time going to sleep each night.

Many women have been eager to hop on to this fairly new platform, but may felt like they were talking to no one.  This new group has organically given the broadcasters an audience (that is probably just a nervous as they are).  And in a matter of days the group has grown and has been fairly active.  You don't have to broadcast to be part of the group.  Being live and talking into your phone is not for everyone, but there is lots of activity in the comments.  We are all here learning the platform and getting to know each other at the same time.  It has been so much fun.  The only prerequisite for the group is being a Catholic woman.

I will say there are many homeschooling moms in the group, I think because it can often be hard to get out and make friends with like minded people if you don't have a local community.  To find a friend that understands the season of life you are in can be difficult whether you're homeschooling or not.  Periscope can create a community quickly.  But the group needs women from all walks of life.  We all don't have the same calling, but I can still be encouraged and learn from other walks of life.  I see so much potential and fellowship possibilities.

I am still really awkward, maybe I'll always see myself as awkward, but I'm hoping that will improve.  And if not, I'm thankful for the forgiving community that is beginning to grow.  :)  


  1. I'm so glad this went well! And that it's energized you (and others, I'm sure) so much. I saw mention of it beforehand and considered opening up an account so I could participate, but... I didn't. Maybe I'll have to check it out next time. Enjoy!

    1. You should. There are some really great women on there with some great ideas. It's a way to connect with others in a very quick and intentional way!

  2. I googled "stumblescopes" to see what it meant and I realized it was specific to your blog. Glad I found you! I've been enjoying your scopes. I hope to hop back on soon! :-)

    1. Neat! I've been a lurker on your blog for the past couple of months. I went you your Katch page, too. Creepy!?! :) Periscope has been so much fun. I can't wait to see you!
