
Friday, November 13, 2015

7QT: Wedding, Dolls, and Social Media

It is the quickest of quick takes, because I NEED to get to bed.  And they are going to be all over the place!  Make sure you head over the Kelly's for more quick takes!

1. This last trip to North Carolina was quick.  Chris's cousin was getting married so the kids and I headed to back to celebrate.  We had a wonderful time, but it was different not having my cousins to help with the kids like I did at my brother's wedding.  The four kids seemed to be going in every direction.

2.  You know the peg doll group I'm always talking about, right?  Well, we will be opening our new swap on December 1st.  I'm pumped!  It's an Easter Swap.  The idea is to have them done, swapped, and delivered before Holy Week.  I'm getting all the details for that swap set up now.  Feel free to join the Facebook group.  We do more than peg dolls, though we try to stick to painting wood.  You can join the group for community or to get ideas an tips to host your own local swap.  Being part of the group does not commit you to any swap, and there are many of lovely ladies there.

3.  Homeschool.  Let's just say something is getting done everyday.  Very little some days.  But something.  Our first six weeks were so strong, and now it feels like I'm pulling teeth.

4.  Christy over at Fountains of Home wrote this.  I'm so glad she wrote it.  She articulated what, I think, many were thinking.  I am happy for my old faves, and there are still wonderful blogs to read.  I just need to troll the interwebs to find some new ones!

5. Voxer is my new favorite app.  It's like walkie talkie text messaging.  You record a message and it is sent.  The person will listen and respond when they can.  Voxer gives me the freedom to do what needs to be done like text messaging, with the speed of conveying my message because I'm speaking like a phone call.  Not to mention you can hear inflections, too.  

6.  Ashley over at Between the Linens is my super duper awesome friend!  Her and I are teaming up and using social media through Advent.  Blog posts, Periscope, Google Hangout for sure are on the calendar.  We are still ironing out the details, but we would LOVE for you to join us.  We are using THIS BOOK.  It's on kindle of $7.99. 

**Update we are changing out book, but we still plan to do an Advent book study.**

7.  Last night Catholic Women Scopes group was formed, and I'm stoked.  Ashley and I have been talking about this for about two months, and I'm so excited that it was created.  Tonight we are going to be doing a scope hop starting at 10pm EST.  The theme this week is favorite saints.  There is sign up in the group.  We will start with the first person and work our way down the list hopping from one scoper to the next.  I'm kind of awkward, but I'm excited for the opportunity to learn, be inspired, and connect with others.  If you don't really want to scope hopefully you can grab a cuppa and join in on the chatbox. #catholicscopes 

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