
Saturday, June 28, 2014

7QT #19: NC, The Army, and My Weird Kids

I am super duper late for 7 Quick takes with Jen at Conversion Diary, but I'm doing them anyway. :)

1 - We leave for North Carolina in a few hours.  I really should be sleeping.  But all the iced tea that I have drank.  And my excitement to get on the road.   And my anxiety about forgetting something leaves me here blogging.

2 - Did you vote? I posted a little online poll about the two names that Chris and I are discussing for babe #4.  Honestly, we are pretty sure we know which name we are going to choose, but I like seeing what the popular vote is.  Becket is after St. Thomas Becket and Sebastian is after St. Sebastian.  I read somewhere that St. Thomas is the patron saint of the clergy and religious freedom.  I can't seem to find it again so I might be wrong.  St. Sebastian is the patron saint of archers, athletes and soldiers.  Both were martyrs and defenders of their faith.  Plus, we really love both names.  Roger is the middle name regardless.  Roger is my father-in-laws middle name.  Anyway, if you missed it go vote. It's just for fun :)

3 - I finished the Stations of the Cross frame I mentioned.  I found the idea on Pinterest and a cheap frame at the thrift store.  I'm either really late...or really early for Lent.  Based on my normal habits its the former. Anyway, here's the finished product.

I really wanted a black background, but I was cheap and went with the $1 wrapping paper instead of the $4 black.  But we will be pulling this bad boy out on Ash Wednesday every year.  Owen and Amelia helped assemble it...They put glue on the back of the pictures.  Owen actually got a little bored and got one of the extra copies I have of the book used for this project and "read" to us as we finished gluing.  I'm happy with it.  I might add some numbers for each image or not.

4 - Owen's last day of school was Tuesday.  Bittersweet of course.  Owen and Amelia both had great teachers.  We were really blessed to have them.  I guess we are officially homeschoolers, though we haven't really started yet.  Our start date keeps floating around...THANK YOU, ARMY (more on that in another take).  I'm really not sure when we will start.  I have planned out five weeks so far I might go ahead and just stick with that plan.  But that means we will start when we get back from North Carolina.  We have talked about schooling year round anyway, so we might as well.  Plus, I would like to get my feet wet before the babe arrives.  I will say all the planning and picking a choosing and options that come with homeschooling is overwhelming but really, really fun.  Let's see how the teaching part goes...

5 - The Army...It looks like our orders for Alaska have been canceled.  Things can always change, but that is what it looks like for now.  Chris was given dates for a leadership course (ALC) that he needs.  The dates completely overlapped our report date to Alaska.  ALC is important and this is the last ALC they are offering to soldiers in his MOS since the Army is getting rid of the helicopter that he works on.  So it's not a terrible thing, but we were kind of hoping the orders would just get deferred not canceled.  Who knows with the Army, things can change at any time.

6 - Speaking of ALC...his class dates are from August 3rd to September 30th in Virginia.  I'm due with the babe September 26th.  So how about for another nice little curve ball? I know we will get things in place should I have this baby before he returns.  Not really a complaint or anything just another one of those fancy details that keeps things interesting 'round here.

7 - And the flight packet.  The board is approaching in a few weeks, and I am doing everything I can to remain calm and really be okay with the outcome.  But I cannot express how much I want this for Chris.  I'm trying to want God's will just as much if not more.  It would be great if these things coincide!  No pressure God :)  For real though, I really am trying to trust that whatever happens it really is what is best for us.  "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you."

And some pictures of my weird family:

Chris the multi-tasker!

She wanted a picture of her dress.


I have NO clue what Amelia is doing.

My first attempt at face painting with homemade face paint...

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