
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Joining another link up.

Ok guys. Jennifer Fulwiler is hosting a 7 Posts in 7 Days: An epic blogging challenge. I'm linking up. Why not? She made some excellent points about what it can do for you as a blog writer. I imagine these points being completely legit and valid if you're not me. I keep the expectations low and the standards lower around here.

Here are her point with my commentary on how it relates to me as a faux blogger.

"Your readers want to hear from you." As a reader, yes this is completely true. I am constantly checking my Bloglovin feed to see if there is a new post from my fave blogs. Some of these blogs being Conversion Diary, Catholic All Year, Camp Patton, Daft Crafts, Snuggle Up with a Dish from Karma, and many MANY more. As a writer I'm not as confident that is the case. I'm not selling you my reader short, but I'm pretty sure my audience is predominantly friends and family keeping tabs on us Lockharts when I post a link to Facebook.  No shame there AT ALL, that is the purpose of this blog.  I'm just guessing that is how this point relates to me and this blog.  (She is SO right in terms of it relating to her blog, just sayin'.  Smart lady!) So yes you're here, you're interested, but I imagine you aren't  returning daily to see if you may have missed my most recent post. I am aware I am not documenting some great, profound, relatable, inspiring, or even funny...experiences. Ok, maybe relatable at times and I try to be funny.  I'm not sure if it always comes across.

"It'll help you overcome perfectionism." Yea, I am not as much a perfectionist as much as a person who dwells on the flaws. So if I have something to share its often posted within an hour or less depending on how wordy I am.  And I go back several times and make small edits because I used the wrong "your" or something.  I am terrible at proof reading. I am willing to bet that authors of blogs I mentioned above have several ideas that they draft and craft into the eloquent ideas, opinions, and talents that they wish to share. Not here folks. I fly by the seat of my pants. I take weeks even months in between posts (as many of you well know) just to give you an update that nothing much has changed. PLUS, we ALL have suffered through my grammatical errors, poor word choices, and the everyday typo....sooo I don't think that perfectionism is a flaw probably should be saut out as virtue for blog sake.

"It'll find your blogging groove."  I'll take it! I might benefit from this.  The Land of Lockhart blog is an eclectic collection of my personal ramblings and crappy attempt to be even kinda cool. I do want to keep this blog more current than I have in the past. The original purpose is to keep my friends and family up to date with us Lockharts. And that still is the purpose.  I feel so disconnected from family and friends.  And I have these three AWESOME humans worthy of every bit of oohing and awing that you have to give.  (4 if you count Chris. He definitely earns some oohing and awing too!!)  So social media like this blog, Facebook, or Instagram is the best platform I can think of to showcase Owen, Amelia, Simon...And Chris ;)

With all that said.  Maybe this challenge will help me expand my audience, provide more substance on this blog, and find my groove.  Then maybe not.  We all know about my great plans and zero outcome.  But'll be fun, I think!  So if you have a po-dunky (yea, new word. It'll catch on like "fetch" from Mean Girls) blog or a super duper awesome blog like Jennifer's then you should link up to the 7 posts in 7 days: a epic blogging challenge.  And if you are the writer of a super duper awesome blog, how did you get here? And I can't believe you're still reading this mess!

Until tomorrow suckers! I hope you enjoy the ramblings I come up with in the next 7 days :)

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