
Monday, July 22, 2013


Like most thinks I do I'm doing this link up on a whim.  I bet some bloggers are taking the opportunity to address ideas they have been meaning to post about and haven't gotten around to it, what ever the reason may be.  Not me.  So this post I will brainstorm about some ideas that may come into fruition during this challenge. Here we go.
  • Homeschooling - Chris and I have been talking about the possibility of homeschooling for about a year. We are researching and praying about if this is the best course of action for our family. 
  • MY HOUSE - It's a mess.  And I know lots of people say their house is a mess, but I am confident that their house does not compare to the wreckage we are currently living in.  I am going to try and get it out of risk of being condemned this week.  Not going to lie, for me it's an overwhelming feat.  I have read many blogs about simple ways to keep a tidy home.  In the end I'm just lazy. Pathetic! Anyway back to the point.  I could do before and after pictures.  I'm not sure how Chris would feel about me showcasing our heap we call a home.  And I am sure I will only post if I manage to have beautiful after pictures.  I can't have you judging to hard ;)
  • Cry rooms - Kendra over at Catholic All Year is doing a link up about cry rooms at Mass.  
  • Quotes - My kids are saying some of the funniest things. Of course they won't say anything funny this week since if I choose to use this as a possible post.
  • Crossfit - I could whine
  • Craft - I could do a project.
  • Chris - I could devote a post to his awesomeness.
  • Birth stories - I do want to write down my kids birth stories.  I could do that. Make a series or something.
  • Recipe - Try something new or share something I make regularly.  I won't share hot dogs.  I hate to say but they are a staple here in the Land of Lockhart. But it may not make a very interesting post. 
I think I am getting somewhere.  If you're still reading...WOW.  I thought you would be sleeping. Go treat yourself to a donut.  It was well earned. Thanks for being part of this mini brainstorming session. 

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