
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Finding The Joy

I am here this week doing anything but adulting.  Last week, I touched on finding joy in the mundane when I was thinking about what I had learned in the past ten years.  Yeah, the struggle is real.  The mundane is oh so heavy this week, and the joy is somewhere between screaming children, dirty dishes, chocolate pudding, diaper changes, crushed chips in my carpet, and Legos.  

A sibling did not take care of their trash.
Let me take a minute to find the joy.  ^^^that face!  Yes there was a mess, several messes, to clean up, but he is proud of his independence. 

There are so many beautiful things around us.  And beautiful moments like this happen all the time, if I take the time to notice them.  Capture them if I can.  Today Owen and Amelia were sitting on Owen's bed and looking at a book together.  We read together regularly, but my kids don't grab books on their own very often.  I wish I had a camera.  It was so sweet.

Chicken enchiladas!

Making a home cooked meal takes more time and work than something frozen.  It is easier on the wallet than going out.  Maybe not this meal, but home cooked meals are often healthier, too.  Doing the work before, during, and after dinner is always worth it.  I just don't always find the motivation and remember it's worth it.

Ornaments for the Jesse Tree Swap

I am one of the admins for the Catholic Saint Peg Doll Swap group on Facebook.  Carving out time to complete, and now host, these swaps isn't always easy.  The end result is always worth it.  My kids have learned so much because of these hand painted crafts. And the community is wonderful.

Morning Time
Getting back into a homeschooling groove has been so challenging.  We take one step forward, and then we take three steps back.  It is not the kids.  It's me.  But Morning Time has really blessed our home.  The kids are starting to take to this portion of our day. Your Morning Basket is a phenomenal podcast hosted by my friend Pam Barnhill.  And though it speaks to homeschooling families I truly believe that all families could benefit for starting a Morning Time.  It can be done in the evening. It doesn't have to be elaborate.  Ours isn't.  Seriously, check out the podcast.  I can always find joy in that part of our day.

October is my favorite month.  It is the essence of autumn.  80 degree weather doesn't really feel like fall, but the Halloween decorations are up.  The kids are thrilled.  Amelia's and Simon's birthdays are approaching.  Even though we are still in shorts it mostly feels like October.

The monotony is not going away.  It still must be done.  Thank you for letting me take a moment pull my head out of the trenches and appreciate the present.  Where are you finding your joy?

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