
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Click for the pics!

Yes, I still need to change the pictures on the blog...maybe tomorrow. Procrastinator probs.

You may have seen my IG/FB post.  We started the 2015-2016 school year today.  We had been schooling lightly, but I made it official by taking first day of school pictures.  Yesterday, I realized that I had not used my fancy camera in a very long time. Poor Becket's (and Simon's to some degree) first year of life has been documented by the camera on my phone almost exclusively.  The woes of the third and fourth borns.
This ginger snap has it rough.
Last year I took pictures through the school year, when I remembered.  Most of them are dark, grainy camera phone pictures of my kids playing with a math manipulative or practicing their handwriting.  This year my goal is to take better pictures for our year book.  So, I got the camera out to see if I still knew how to work the auto setting.  Barely by the way.  In my humble opinion, I have some stellar looking kids!!!

This crew!

When did she grow up?

He just wanted to ride.

My wild man!

Copper Penny
Time, please stand still...sigh.

At about 8:00 am this morning we stepped outside and took those obligatory first day of school pictures.  

Owen is really beginning to emerge as a reader.  My goal for him is to really make the most of this time.  He is recognizing that he can read, and he is pointing out words and phonographs everywhere we go.  I am going to try and maximize this time.  He's moving to the next level in math, which is long overdue.  Handwriting needs improvement.  Strengthening his muscles is what he needs.  He fatigues quickly.

Amelia is being gently introduced to reading and writing.  She's really strong at listening to stories and narrating back what she has heard.  Phonics and sight words are going to need gentle, consistent repetition.  Once it clicks I think she will take off.  We are going to continue with math as is.  It seems to be working so no need to change it.

 My goal for Simon is to read to him often, give him opportunities to use his fine motor skills, but mostly let him PLAY!

Becket....I expect calculus. Do all the derivatives!!! :)

So the first day went really well.  I'm really excited about the possibilities this year.  Watching these kids grow up and learn is really an honor.  I'm not entirely sure how we got here.  Becoming a homeschooling family of six.  I never would have thought homeschooling would be our path.  But it is, and it's a joy.

Owen relating his earthly father to his heavenly Father. Swoon!

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