
Friday, October 10, 2014

Life is normal...ish

I am aware it has been a while since an update. But things are pretty stellar around here. My mom arrived on the 24th. Chris graduated from ALC (as distinguished honor grad), I had Becket, and life is getting back to normal. I will write out the birth story soon...I still need to write out Simon's...oops (this is why I don't do baby books...the commitment).

I will start by saying I'm aware I'm kind of crazy.  Ok that's out of the way. After each delivery I have this period of time where I mourn not being pregnant anymore.  Mourn might be too strong of a word. Understand, I'm also glad that I'm no longer pregnant. But I do have a bit of sadness about it all.  For nine months i was defined as pregnant and with one final push I'm no longer pregnant.  It's like a weird identity crisis or something....I warned you I'm crazy.

Anyway on the plus side of not being pregnant, I'm sleeping better, have more energy,  and moving better. Still some healing going on, but overall I feel better than I did a few weeks ago.

Plus!!! I have a scrumptious new baby to snuggle and love. The siblings love him too. I would say they love him too much if that was possible...especially his sister.

P.S. I did pray for anyone who messaged me a request. And have continued to pray for you guys.

I have attempted to start schooling again, but it's been tough with Chris home. For me...he's a distraction. A good distraction. I think we needed some family time since he had been gone for two months and we added Becket.  I'm trying not to fret. I plan on schooling year round, and we will be snowed in soon enough to "catch up". Next week I have at least three appointments, but I think we can start getting our grove back. We are going apple picking as a field trip...we're living our education...kinda.

Well if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you probably have seen most of the following pictures.  But in my humble opinion these faces need more than one look. Amiright?

Happy October, interweb!

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