
Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Bit All Over the Place

One week down, seven to go. Overall I'm pretty happy with this first week without the strongest Lockhart. I'm really tired which is just proof of how much Chris does around here. But we kicked off our first week of school, attended Eucharistic Adoration followed by daily mass, speech, attended National Night Out, went to 10th CAB Org Day, had a friend stay the night, and went to a birthday party. Not too shabby if you ask me. I have actually been more active than I had intended. My original game plan was to just become a hermit and see everyone in October. Really I think keeping us moving has helped keep the days moving.

The week ahead isn't quite as packed, which is fine. We have a play date on Thursday, speech, mass on Friday (it's a holy day y'all), and a small birthday celebration that evening, plus school. Still busy, but maybe not as tiring.

Tomorrow I am taking all three kids to mass alone. I am sure I have done this before, but I'm pretty sure Simon was still in the car carrier so it wasn't too bad. We have done daily mass, but it's only about 20 minutes and less people. We will see how tomorrow goes. Sanctification,  right?

We still haven't heard anything about WOCS or flight school. It's been three weeks, Army! I'm impatient, and I'm afraid to pray for patience since it will likely result in more waiting. Again we will survive.

Before I wrap up this really random, boring much maintenance is a beta fish? And I am asking this as someone who really wants to do NOTHING to care for a pet. I'm sorry, I'm not an animal lover. Don't get me wrong, I am not a supporter of torturing animals...I'm just not a good pet owner.  I barely meet the basic needs of my kids some days.  Anyway...Owen desperately wants a pet. The kid is trying to catch flies and ants to claim as pets. If a beta isn't too much work I would consider getting him one...maybe.  I do think it would be good for the kids to have a pet to take care of.  I am genuinely asking...if I forget to have Owen feed the fish will it die? Do I have to clean the tank/bowl? Rereading this paragraph I sound so whiny...sorry...maybe I should let him keep catching flies.

Random, unrelated pictures of the kids.

As always, if you made it to the end...treat yourself to a cookie or pie or wine. :)

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