
Friday, June 13, 2014

7QT #18: Mainly poppin' tags

I am going to attempt to keep this short and sweet, mkay? I will add some pictures of the kids so it's not a complete waste.

1 ~ It has been raining for the past 3 days and I am so glad. Mainly because it is washing away the pollen. I still have a cough, but I don't feel like a complete train wreck. The puddles have a nice yellow topping, and I have some energy back.  No complaints!

2 ~ Owen had his end of year field trip to the Watertown Zoo. It's more like a life preserve if you ask me. Compared to the North Carolina Zoo that I use to, it's a bit of a disappointment. It rained most of the time we were there. But as always the kids had a great time. Owen got a bag with all of his stuff from this year and a certificate.  Owen really likes school.  He was telling me that he has to draw in his journal everyday. I really hope this transitions well when we start homeschooling.  He will have to journal in writing curriculum, and I am going to start a art journal for him to draw images of stories we read. I think Amelia will engage fine, and I'm hopeful Owen will, now.

3 ~ Most everyone knows me in real life and has probably seen my recent Facebook statuses and Instagram updates on my recent thrift store finds. See below

4 ~ A magazine caddy that will be used to hold children's books.  I spray painted it.  I hope to find a few more so I can place them throughout the house...their rooms, living room, and the wherever we end up schooling.

5 ~ This large frame. It is still in the works. It was holding some type of art. I plan to putting the Stations of the Cross in it.  I found the idea on Pinterest here. I have several stations books so I used one for its pictures to frame. I painted the frame purple for the Lent season. Yeah, I'm aware we have a while before Lent.  I'm late for everything ;)

6 ~ This crucifix. It's big and heavy. Needs a little bit of touching up, but it will be perfect for our school room. The kids loved it. I'm so glad Chris spotted it.

7 ~ Continued prayers that Chris is selected for flight school. We are very excited about Alaska, but we will have no problem sacrificing it for flight school. It's the dream, people.  Have a blessed week!

Make sure you hop over to Jen's for more Quick Takers. 


  1. Thrift store finds are the BEST! And somehow more exciting than regular-store finds.

    1. I totally agree! I love finding a good clearance price too, don't get me wrong. But the hunt of a thrift store is awesome.
