
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Yard sale, Thrift shop, and Clearance

Oh my goodness what a day!

We started with a trip around post.  Two of the four communities on post were having a yard sale so we thought we would take a look to see what was out.  The only thing we were kind of looking for was a bike trailer so we could pull Simon. We also were seeing if there were any bigger toys we would maybe want for the kids. We were surprised that more people weren't participating. One of the first places we stopped had 3 baby gates for $12.  Score!!! We really needed some to block off our kitchen.  Our bigger kids like to troll through the pantry and refrigerator. So we scooped those bad boys up!  We saw another place with an easel for $10.  I got out and took a look at it.  I decided against it because it wasn't exactly what I wanted.  Plus, if we are thinking possible Christmas gifts it would be hard to hide from the kids as we put it in the van.  We stopped some place else that was using a trailer as a rack.  I didn't think they were selling it, but I figured I would ask.  But they had a leotard in Amelia's size for $.50 and this Leap Frog letter toy for $2.  We continued driving. I completely missed the two trailers sitting at the front of someone's driveway.  Luckily Chris saw them.  We stopped took a look.  Both were in great condition.  The one we picked looked brand new for only $50!!!  I was so excited.  I think I got a pretty good deal.  All the ones I have seen posted on Craigslist were asking $65-$100.  If I paid too much please don't tell me.  At this point I would love to live in ignorance and forever think I got a great deal ;)

I remembered that the thrift store on post was open since it was the first Saturday of the month.  It was packed.  They were having a big clothing sale.  Fill a trash bag of clothes for $7.  We didn't bother looking through the clothes.  My kids are relatively set for winter with hand me downs that we have been given.  I felt no need for us to have more clothes just because they were cheap.  I did want to go inside to look an see if there was anything else we could use.  We ended up walking away with three more Christmas presents...a book, a Leap Frog writing game thing, and wooden beads that are strung.  I am hoping the beads and the Leap Frog game will help with fine motor skills.

We later went to Kmart and Target where we found TAG books on clearance (under $5).  Each year we have an "everybody gift".  Basically it is a gift that is shared by all.  And this year we figured we will wrap up the Leap Frog items for Christmas.  The things we have collected already range in age and can be passed down as kids out grow them.  Owen got an Explorer last Christmas that he likes and shares with Amelia.

We have found some great finds.  We will be pulling out what we have so far, making a list of what we have, and then hiding it.  I won't be surprised if we are almost "done".  I say "done" because I shop until December 24th.  Some of these things might be used for birthday gifts as well.

Anyway, I thought I would share our thrifty finds for the weekend.  

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