
Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Yea, I'm back.  I guess I'm trying to make up for the twenty days I didn't post anything.  I don't know but....Amelia got into the Orange Room and the CDC.  It's the preschool that Owen has been in for almost two years.  I'm so excited for her. I think she is going to do well.  In the past two years Chris, the teachers, and I have worked together to help Owen learn to manage his emotions and become more independent.  Though, Amelia doesn't have the same issues as Owen I think with reinforcement in a different environment will do wonders for her.  She has been eager to go to school for at least six months.  I am so glad it was worked out so she could attend.

I figure I would use all this school excitement to share with you all our decision about homeschooling.  We are about 80% sure we will begin homeschooling next fall.  I leave that 20% because it's a year away and we don't know what life will throw us in that time.  Our plan is not always God's plan.

I will share some of the bullet points as to why we are making this choice for our family.
  • We want to give our children a strong Catholic foundation.  Assuming there will always be a great Catholic school wherever we may live (which will not always be likely) Catholic school gets expensive. 
  • We would only have to combat with one schedule.  Chris's schedule dictates most of our plans.  If we use a school institution we would have to adhere to school schedule also.  So if Chris is granted leave and it doesn't line up with spring break, summer break, or Christmas break it will not matter.  The kids will be home and we can choose to take a break while Chris has a break also. 
  • Statics show show that on average homeschooled children are in about the 85 percentile in all subjects.  Meaning on average they have a better understanding of the material than 85% of their peers. 
  • The kids can learn the way they are designed to learn.  I think homeschoolers do so well because they have learned how to learn in a way that is best for them. Basically, a homeschooler can more easily discover their strengths and develop those strengths to learn.  If they are an auditory learner then we will incorperate more listening.  If they are a visual learner we will add more visual aids.  I know MANY wonderful teacher who passionately want to help each of their students to develop their skill so they can successed, but in the end they are overworked with 20+ other students to focus on.  
  • We do NOT like the common core curriculum.  If we homeschool we get to choose the curriculum.
  • Socialization.  Most people's question to me about possibly homeschooling is "what about socialization?"  My kids are social.  They make friends.  We will continue to put them in activities like t-ball, dance, and CCD.  We will find a homeschooling group in our area to join.  It is often overlooked that there are negative sides of socialization like bullying, drugs, sex, and school shootings.  Some may feel it's sheltering them, but I think it's protecting them.  Chris and I are fully capable of exposing them to the world and without throwing them into the deep end...sink or swim.
  • Lifestyle.  I have read many blogs, and I have listened to first hand experiences of people who have been or are currently homeschooling.  I want a home environment that homeschooling offers.  Prayer and housework will be part of our school day.  Our older children will be teaching our younger children because they will be sitting at the same table.  We will attend daily Mass (my goal is once a week). The list goes on and on.  
  • Firsts.  You know this just dawned on me a few days ago, but I was/am so excited to watch each of our babies achieve each of their milestones like smiling, sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, clapping, ect.  Well, I still want to be apart of that.  The first time they read, add, subtract, write, think critically, research paper, scientific predictions, experiments, ect. I still want to be apart of all of these firsts rather than hearing about them.  
I know not everyone is called to homeschool their children.  I am not even sure if we are, but these are just a few of the reasons we are highly considering it for next year.  I'm glad we are doing the preschool and pre-k so they are getting help developing basic concepts like holding a pencil.  Owen's teachers (soon Amelia's) have been AWESOME.  And I already have a good feeling about Owen's pre-k teachers.  I am hoping the kids' time in preschool will make the transition into homeschooling smooth.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole, fantastic reasons! I hadn't thought of some of those. I especially liked your response to socialization. There is good and bad. I would add to that for introverts like myself, all socialization good or bad is taxing. I really enjoyed homeschooling knowing there weren't 20+ other students around, the smaller environment was much more peaceful to learn in. :) (Shameless plug for the introverts out there.)

    Good luck! You will do splendid. Julia
